As Promised

I took my stitches out of The Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns (my Christmas present from my mom and a really great book!). Even though you probably can't see them too well in the picture, I'll list them in the order they appear, just in case anybody cares:

2. Left Diagonals
3. Trinity Stitch
4 & 5. Garter Stitch (done in my last desperate hour and half on Saturday night)
6. Dewdrops (which looked lovely and dainty in the picture in the book, but when knitted in my Pepto-Bismol pink yarn looked horribly, horribly ugly)
7. Column of Leaves (my favorite)
8. Overlapping Waves
9. Tweed
10. Gentle Curves
11. another Trinity Stitch
12. Open and Closed Fans
I have really enjoyed this experience and being able to hear about everyone else's progress. And I have been SO impressed with all of your projects! Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement and positive vibes!