Saturday, February 11, 2006

One down!

I finished my first Olympic Afghan block last night and wanted to share. I used it as sort of a gauge swatch, since most of the stash yarn I'm planning to use is good old WoolEase. I chose a simple knit/purl pattern called "King Charles Brocade" that I've always liked but never used before. Now that I know approximately how many stitches will give me a 7-inch-wide block, I'll be moving on to more challenging stitch patterns.

And speaking of challenges . . . my personal Olympic challenge is to work exclusively on charity knitting during this time. For some of you, that may seem like nothing. Trust me, though; I had to fight hard to keep from giving in to that almost-completed cabled cardigan as it kept whispering seductively from its project bag. ("Just a row or two on my nearly-finished second sleeve won't hurt!" "No one will know if you just swatch for my buttonband that you've been wanting to experiment with. I know you can't get it off your mind!") I did manage to ignore it, though, and wove in the ends on the above Olympic afghan block with only a sigh or two. Maybe it will get easier.


Blogger Geo said...

Taz: That's what I call a heroic effort! What self-control, If that's not the olympic spirit, I'll eat my gold medal. As for your swatch/block, it's classic Taz--gorgeously and cleanly stitches. I can hardly wait to see your "more challenging stitch patterns"! Where'd you find the King Charles Brocade?

I think that only working on charity knitting for 13 days is a terrific challenge. Keep a-going, girl.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Tarasine (pronounced Tara-seena, in case you were wondering) said...

Thanks, Geo! I found that stitch pattern in the "Stitch Dictionary" section of my Vogue Knitting reference book, though I'm sure I've seen it other places as well. Today, I'm working on a "traveling stitch" pattern called "Knit Twist Lattice." Traveling stitches are another thing I've always wanted to try and never have. This is a great opportunity!

What are you working on, Geo?

11:31 AM  

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